For 15 years, we’ve been providing high-quality reviews for the medical professionals of Texas. Peerspectiv partners with FQHCs to provide independent clinical peer reviews with the ultimate goal of enhancing the quality of care for patients together.

Peer Reviews
We believe that everyone deserves quality health care, but it’s no secret that FQHCs are close to our heart. Learn more about our expertise and passion for these centers and their people below.

How it works:

We receive patient files from the health center via a online file storage.

We assign each case file to a reviewing physician with matched specialization.

Our matched specialists complete the reviews using our FQHC specific templates.

We upload the reviews to the health center and send summation document with analytics.

We get it done.
At Peerspectiv, our turn time is typically 7 calendar days. Interested in working with us?
Frequently Asked Questions
Who does Peerspectiv use utilize to conduct peer reviews? What is the experience/training of the reviewers?
All physicians are primary source verified, board-certified, and maintain an active clinical practice. Our reviewers are trained in a wide range of review services and areas of speciality.
What specialties and scopes can Peerspectiv review?
We can cover all specialties required by FQHCs.
Examples include:
Adults Primary Care/ Internal Medicine
Family Medicine
Dental Care
Behavioral Health / Psychiatry
And More
How are deficiencies noted?
We track deficiencies that are tallied and provided in our analytics report.
What tool is used to conduct the peer reviews?
Our reviews are completed using our FQHC specific templates, but will use any tool requested by the FQHC.
If I have a special concern or need in a particular area, can Peerspectiv accommodate?
Yes, we will work with the FQHC to address all areas of concern and speak to the issue together.
Will the professionalism of Peerspectiv's reviewers stand in a legal/external review setting should a case arise?
Yes, our reviewers are experts in the areas of their specialty and can speak as an authoritative professional on their field as well as peer reviews.
Can Peerspectiv accommodate clinical documentation integrity in the area of coding, risk-based coding and quality based requirement?
Yes, we can speak to risk based analysis and quality measures existing or lacking in the documentation.
Can Peerspectiv guarantee peer-to-peer?
Yes, all of our peer reviews are specialty matched.
What is the price per chart? Does this range according to specialty?
Pricing can vary based on complexity and number of peer review questions. As a general rule, $100-$125 for the peer review only.
Can the peer review process be broadened to include charting elements other than just provider entry?
Yes. We will collaborate with the FQHC to include all issues that they want to address in the reviews.
How quickly can I appeal to someone should there be an issue/concern with the review performed?
Immediately. We are passionate about our clients and our relationship, and we want to be able to address any issues or concerns you may be facing.