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Peer Reviews


FEBRUARY 11, 2020

At Peerspectiv, we understand that peer reviews aren’t at the top of your mind, and they shouldn’t be either. FQHCs exist to provide quality healthcare to the people who need it most, and your time and energy shouldn’t be taken up by internal reviews.

Maybe it’s time to take your peer reviews ​external​. We’ve developed a model to do exactly that, coordinating with specialists to create a process that takes the legwork off of your plate so you can spend more time and energy on patient care.

So, why are external peer reviews better? In this article, we’ll cover five reasons why your FQHC should consider working with external specialists for your peer reviews.

Get An Objective View

Just like the rest of us, doctors are human. In other words, it’s impossible for them to look at their own work and staff in a ​truly​ objective way. There are relationships, bonds, and personal history that come with internal peer reviews—for better or worse—and they all affect the accuracy of the reports you receive.

With an external peer review, you’re removing the personal element from the equation. Our Peerspectiv specialists don’t know your staff, they just know what quality care looks like, and they’ll help you get a great view of where your FQHC stands.

And most importantly, as a leader of your staff, you want to know that your FQHC is providing the best quality care. An external peer review is the best way to know how your staff is operating, what issues need to be addressed, and how to move forward.

Reduce Internal Friction

Humans excel at bringing our personal baggage with us everywhere—and that includes when we’re receiving professional feedback. That can be hard. No matter what anyone says, receiving professional feedback is never fun, and it can create tension and even bitterness between staff members when they should be working ​together ​on patient care.

So, let Peerspectiv be the bad guy. We have no baggage to bring to the table, so your staff can know that the feedback they’re getting doesn’t have a personal agenda. It’s simply meant to support your FQHC staff, encourage professional development, and create accountability.

Improve Turnaround Times

You got into your field because you care about people, not paperwork. So we understand why it’s easy to let those internal peer reviews sit in your inbox for weeks on end. There are people who need care, and that means those internal peer reviews can drag on for far longer than they should.

With external peer reviews, you can sit back and relax knowing that we’re carrying the torch. Your peer reviews need to get done either way, so why not let someone else worry about it? Check it off your to-do list even faster and get back to your important work.

Focus on Specialization

When peer reviews are handled internally, it’s an “all hands on deck” situation. You don’t have time to perfectly match your staff together so you’re getting the best review possible. You simply need to get things done.

Our Peerspectiv specialists are handpicked in each situation so you can know they’re the best pick for your peer review. If you specialize in certain areas, we can match Specialists according to your needs. This includes: pediatrics, adults primary care, family medicine, vision, dental care, behavioral health, OBGYN, and more.

This means you’re getting a peer review from someone who truly understands the professional they’re reviewing. They can offer pointed feedback knowing the ins and outs of the field in which they work. Create Growth For Your Staff At Peerspectiv, all we do is external peer reviews. We’re dedicated to working with the best specialists, creating the best processes, and delivering the most accurate, timely, and informative feedback possible.

So, what does this mean for your FQHC? It means better-trained staff! Accurate, professional feedback from experts is the fastest way to improve in your craft in any field—and the same goes for the medical field.

With an external peer review, you’re supporting your staff and giving them the professional development they need to provide incredible care for your patients. By offering an objective, professional look into your care, you’re not only creating a stronger FQHC—you’re creating stronger doctors.

Create Growth For Your Staff

At Peerspectiv, all we do is external peer reviews. We’re dedicated to working with the best specialists, creating the best processes, and delivering the most accurate, timely, and informative feedback possible.

So, what does this mean for your FQHC? It means better-trained staff! Accurate, professional feedback from experts is the fastest way to improve in your craft in any field—and the same goes for the medical field.

With an external peer review, you’re supporting your staff and giving them the professional development they need to provide incredible care for your patients. By offering an objective, professional look into your care, you’re not only creating a stronger FQHC—you’re creating stronger doctors.

Are you ready to take your peer reviews external?

There’s no better way to improve your services, internal culture, and patient experience than through external peer reviews. Contact us today so we can start to build a process that works for your FQHC.